Celler Devinssi at the Festival Napa Valley!

Celler Devinssi at the Festival Napa Valley!


Taste of Napa California wine Priorat Devinssi Gratallops

Hello from Priorat!

Or, should we say… Hello from Napa!

This Saturday, 15 July, our red 2021 Mas de les Valls, DOQ Priorat, is going to be featured at the Taste of Napa at The Meritage Resort and Spa 🧘🏼‍♂️ as part of the Festival Napa Valley 🎉

If you’re – by any chance – in the Bay Area you can’t miss it! We are grateful for this collaboration to the Catalan Tourism Board, our importer John Cuddihy, and to Montse of Excelling Wines.

Warm hugs from Priorat! 🤗🍷🍷

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