08 May 18th Falset Wine Fair: Priorat’s impressive success!
The 18th Falset Wine Fair is over. Those were two busy and pleasurable days! Over 13.000 visitors walked through the main aisle to enjoy the variety of DO Montsant and DOQ Priorat wines. As you may well remember, last year we crossed the 12,000 border. Good weather and well-planned and careful promotion seems to have shown very good return on investment.
Visitors at the wine fair were from all over the world! Obviously, an important part of the guests were from around Catalonia. However, at our stand, we could practice English, French, Spanish, Russian, a few words in German and Norwegian. And what not! Seeing people who drive long miles to make it here gives such strong sense of gratification!
Books about Priorat wine took an important part in our wine fair experience. Not far from our stall, wine lovers could sample and buy a book “Més enllà del vi_DOQ Priorat” by Sebastiano Alba: a collection of winemakers’ personal stories… At the other end of the aisle, Eli Varela and Miquel Hudin rolled out their “Vinologue Priorat” guide: a pocket book helpful for arranging your wine tour through Priorat.
A very special finding was Ferran Mestres’ “El curiós món del vi del Priorat”, where we discovered a description of our Rocapoll wine’s story – totally out of the blue! We already have this book available at our winery!
The Falset wine fair, actually, showed very interesting dynamics: on Saturday our guests would mostly taste and buy 2009 Mas de les Valls, whereas on Sunday, our 2007 Il·lia (just a few bottles left) was a great success. Interestingly, our visitors were also very attracted by our Ranci Dolcet, a very limited edition mellow wine, where the base wine was Sergi’s grandfather’s 1963 white wine.
Similarly to previous wine fairs, Celler Devinssi’s grapevine adoptions were very attractive, so we got some new subscribers here. Obviously, a fair wouldn’t be a fair without some new contacts in wine business and wine tours! And old friends and old wine are best, that is, thank you, dear friends who came over to walk through the fair and give us some support!
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Posted at 16:41h, 06 June[…] Navegació per les entrades ← Anteriors […]
Pingback:Vi i enoturisme: 20 episodis destacats del 2013. Celler Devinssi, DOQ Priorat | Celler Devinssi
Posted at 17:55h, 01 January[…] recompte sobre la 18na Fira del vi de Falset al bloc “Nohihanous”. Agraïments al Ramon pels teus comentaris sobre els nostres vins. […]
Pingback:Enoturisme al Priorat: la 19ena Fira del vi de Falset a la teva agenda! | Celler Devinssi
Posted at 16:47h, 07 April[…] Com sabreu, ja comencen les preparacions per a la 19ena Fira del vi de Falset, a la qual, com sempre, es podran descobrir i tastar vins de les dues denominacions d’origen de la nostra demarcació: DOQ Priorat i DO Montsant. Estem esperant que aquest esdeveniment atregui com sempre milers d’enoturistes encuriosits i que us animeu a visitar el Priorat els dies 3 i 4 del maig. L’any passat el record va ser de 13.000 persones en 2 dies de la fira. […]