Our visitor’s feedback at the website of the Priorat Tourism Office. Part 2

Our visitor’s feedback at the website of the Priorat Tourism Office. Part 2

enoturisme al Priorat visita al Celler Devinssi, Gratallops, Costa DauradaWhat a lot of wine tours we’ve been hosting at the cellar! Despite the influx of wine tourists that have been coming over these days, we’ve found a gap in our agenda in order to share a second portion of visitors comments that were available at the Priorat tourism information website (see them below).

We have to admit and reveal that, over the last year, cellar door visitors that we’ve hosted learnt about us ‘through the grapevine’ and and our own resources, such as our website, blog in Russian, instagram and twitter. However, quite a few of them confessed having read the comments that were available at the Priorat tourism website. You can read our thoughts about the disappeared comments here.

In the meantime, we’re glad to tell you that it hasn’t taken longer than four years to get our TripAdvisor finally profile accepted,  so you can now leave your comment about your experience with Celler Devinssi in DOQ Priorat

11 | Bernardo | Madrid | 16-08-2011 01:29
Pequeña bodega, grandes vinos… Un absoluto privilegio haber probado el Rocapoll, que con las explicaciones de Josep Roca de los cuidados de la viña i la elaboración artesanal nos hace apreciar más la calidad de este vino. Muchas gracias por el trato tan exquisito y a la vez familiar. Bernardo Sisa
12 | Marisa, Susana, Enric i Josep | Terrassa – La Selva del Camp | 21-08-2011 13:26
Una atenció molt familiar i propera. Una producció artesana amb la que els resultats finals queden palpaples amb el tast de vins, sobretot amb L’Il·lia. Us animem a seguir en aquesta línia. Aconsellem a tothom a visitar-los. Gracies Yura “Jordi” per l’atenció rebuda.
13 | David, Sandra | Barcelona | 27-08-2011 11:22
Moltes gràcies a en Sergi i en Jordi per una estona tant agradable. A en Sergi per les seves magnifiques explicacions i a en Jordi per la seva atenció en el tast del Mas de les Valls i l´Il.lia. Animem a tothom a visitar aquest petit celler que és el clar exemple de la bona feina feta en aquesta magnífica comarca.
14 | TERESA TINTORÉ | La Palma De Cervelló | 17-09-2011 13:50
Fa dues setmanes vaig tenir l’oportunitat de anar a fer una part de la verema al celler Devinssi. Volia agrair al Sergi totes les seves explicacions a l’hora de collir el raïm, al Jordi (Jura) la difusió dels vins Divinssi i per suposat al Josep per deixar-mi participar. Sempre e dit que darrera els grans vins i han grans persones. Divinssi es el millor exemple. Moltes gràcies.
15 | Artur Starastsenka | Minsk | 19-09-2011 13:09
My wife and I visited Devinssi early this September. It was one of the best visits we have ever had. It is a very nice place, nice people, excellent wine, surprisingly nice landscape. Try it yourself to have an excellent memories behind. Thanks for the hospitality! We enjoyed the stay.
16 | Sinisa Curovic | Llorenc del Penedes | 03-10-2011 11:24
Visiting the DEVINSSI WINERY was truly an experience which we would like to recommend to anyone who is interested in small scale, high quality, wine making. We were very well received by Jordi who took his time explaining the procedures at Devinssi, showing us in detail the steps from grape to bottle. After the tour at the bodega we were taken to the Devinssi wine shop, where we tasted the wines. Great wines indeed! They have really managed to capture the Priorat in these precious wines and we will be enjoying and remembering this experience for a long time to come. Another highlight was the short drive up the hills to the vineyard, where we got spectacular views of the region and the picturesque village of Gratallops. Lovely day and a great time at this gem! A big thank you to Jordi! Excellent guide and very knowledgeable, taking his time and looking after us to the maximum. We will be back soon! Sinisa, Sara, Bo-Gosta & Helena
17 | Sònia Burgos | Serinyà | 29-11-2011 14:04
Ens va agradar molt la visita al Celler Devinssi, l’explicació que ens va fer en Yuri, en Jordi, va ser excepcional, un noi molt agradable. Ens va ajudar a entendre millor tot aquest món tan esplèndid. Alhora de probar de fer la cata, el sabor del raïm, del roure, de tot allò que acompanya un bon vi ens va ajudar a entrar en calor. Uns vins memorables. Un gust exquisit. Una visita que cal no perdre’s, un poble, Gratallops, on la vinya n’és la protagonista i els llops graten els troncs dels arbres.
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