18 Jul A tasty update on our Pica-Pica wine tastings: local nibbles on fire!
Dear Priorat visitors, we’re bringing a small update regarding our wine tasting with local nibbles (Pica-Pica).
Two years ago we gave you the lowdown on its ingredients, now it’s time to bring you up to date on what the Pica-Pica includes now.
Apart from the pa amb tomàquet (tomato rubbed toast), olives, nuts and jamón, the new version includes such farm-to-table delicacies as:
- secallona salami made at the Cal Centro butchery in La Vilella Baixa (Priorat)
- sheep-milk cheese made at the local artisan farm Serra del Tormo (Ribera d’Ebre county)
- goat-milk cheese made at the local artisan facility Formatgeria Linens in Bellmunt del Priorat – included in the vegetarian version of our Pica-Pica.
Over the latest months, our visitors have given some very positive feedback on these new ingredients. Thank you ever so much!
Remember that vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free and lactose-free versions are also available (when explicitly demanded in advance).
We’ll see you in Priorat very soon!
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