Grapevine adopters’ newsletter (October 2014)

Grapevine adopters’ newsletter (October 2014)

October 2014: athletic and digital autumn in Priorat

Now sunny, now overcast days, gentle temperatures, minimal rainfalls… What a pleasurable autumn season! Nature is slowing down anticipating the winter sleep… After the noticeable September showers, grass has sprouted all around to cover the rugged lands of slate stones with a green carpet… October has treated us to some very shiny colours. Vineyards dressed up in vibrant red and yellow! What a true drama of the nature!

Grape harvest has come to an end! At last! Grapes took along to ripen, but finally, it’s all over. The most part of the vats have already been fermented and pressed. As a result, we’re quite deep into the period of peace and calm, because there’s less pressure. Now, some wines are being prepared to take their turn for ageing in oak casks.

Our county has seen two major sports events: the second Marató del Priorat (in Falset), and, a week later, the 1st running race of Gratallops called La de 13 graus i mig, which title refers to the minimal allowed alcohol degree (13.5º) in DOQ Priorat certified wines. We participated in this race as prize sponsors.

Tourism brings two small pieces of news. First, we had the pleasure to host journalists Kathy and Terry Sullivan of the wine tour agency Wine Trail Travel, here’s their review of the tasting at our vineyard.

Finally, a tip for gadget lovers. A new app has come out for iPhone and Android: the one called Enoguia. It’s a digital interactive version of the namesake book. It’s of help if you consider visiting a few wineries in Tarragona (apart from ours, obviously), because it features all information about wineries’ availability.


Let’s leave it at that for today. Enjoy some lovely autumn pictures from Priorat.

Speak soon!

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