Celler Devinssi will participate in the GrataPride festival, 29 June 2024

Celler Devinssi will participate in the GrataPride festival, 29 June 2024

priorat wine tasting lgtbiq+ pride Gratallops

GrataPride festival logo. Design: Conxi Nogués

On Saturday, 29 June, 2024, the village of Gratallops will celebrate the first LGTBIQ+ Pride festival in Priorat, a frankly brave and innovative proposal for a region with around 9300 inhabitants and for a very small municipality of 230 people.

Preparations for the celebration are underway and we can’t reveal all the details at the moment. We can tell you that the festival is called GrataPride (as in Gratallops + Pride) and that the programme will feature cultural and claiming events, with our area’s leitmotif: DOQ Priorat wines. There will also be music and entertainment, full of respect and free from public affront.

The objectives of the GrataPride festival include giving visibility and support to the LGTBIQ+ people of the Priorat and, on the other hand, to make Gratallops wines known to the people of this group who will come to spend the weekend at in our area.

Along with most businesses in the municipality of Gratallops, Celler Devinssi will participate in the celebration of GrataPride.

We want to show that we live in a diverse, open and receptive society and celebrate the freedom to feel like a person – with a glass of DOQ Priorat wine.

More details about the GrataPride party await you! And we are waiting for you all here in Gratallops!

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