03 Aug 2012 Wine-growing summer in Priorat. Ripening grapes at the vineyard, auspices for the harvest
We’ve been living a long spell of midsummer heat here in Gratallops (DOQPriorat), with sultry afternoons, sizzling sun and drought. In July, all Catalonia was put to test by the tragedy of l’Alt Empordà, we certainly grieve together with our neighbours from Girona. Here in Priorat, the dry and hot weather has triggered significant restrictions on accessing the Parc Natural de la Serra deMontsant.
We’ll keep our eye on the weather forecasts for Priorat, since the current outlook makes us think back to August 2011 when the heat was so persistent that it speeded up the grape ripening process. Thevineyards proved ready for harvesting grapes towards late August.
For the time being, first cues of the upcoming grape harvest are showing up: the vineyards have started the véraison, i.e. the grapes are turning ripe. We took some of these pictures at our Rocapoll estate (one of old costersof Carignan variety, that we use to elaborate our “grand cru” Vide la Vila de Gratallops “Rocapoll” – like all our products this wine is totally artisan) i and Les Planes estate, planted with Grenache andCabernet.
Additionally, you may have noticed some posts made totally in Russian in our wine blog. This year, Russian tourists have started to visit us quite regularly, some of them leave rather brief opinions of their wine tours with the Devinssi Winery (Коста Дорада отзывы), however some others were inspired so much with the Priorat natural setting that they ended up drafting an engaging write-up in two parts about their journey through thePriorat wine scenery: they first speak about their walk through the Gratallops farmland and vineyards and then about their visit to the Scala Dei Charterhouse and the picturesque village of Siurana.
If you haven’t summoned up your enthusiasm yet, or if you want to live again the experience of a Priorat wine tour, welook forward to welcoming you!
Pingback:Agost calorós i sec al Priorat: presagi d’una molt bona collita? | Celler Devinssi
Posted at 23:54h, 31 August[…] L’estiu es mou cap a la seva etapa final, aviat comença la verema, el colofó de tot aquest període d’espera i patiment. El mes d’agost ha estat bastant inclement arreu de Catalunya i particularment a les zones de l’interior com el Priorat. […]
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Posted at 17:22h, 16 August[…] verol d’enguany s’ha ajornat una miqueta, ja veurem quan arribarà el moment per fer-ne fotos ben […]
Pingback:Butlletí dels padrins de la vinya (agost 2013) | Celler Devinssi
Posted at 12:00h, 16 November[…] el clima ha fet allargar-se una mica l’evolució de les vinyes… Si l’any passat el verol va esclatar al juliol, enguany s’ha produït a la primera dècada de l’agost. A més a més, la carinyena de […]
Pingback:Butlletí dels padrins de la vinya (juny 2015) | Celler Devinssi
Posted at 20:54h, 07 July[…] ja s’han cicatritzat, per tant estem esperant l’etapa més emocionant del juliol: el verol, pel qual ja hi queda poc […]