Grapevine adopters’ wine tour in Priorat

Grapevine adopters’ wine tour in Priorat

Y.T. A relative of ours gave it to us at a family celebration. She told us she had a very special gift for the two of us and pulled out a vine adopter certificate. It said there were some grapevines in Priorat that we were “in charge of”.

imatges d'algunes vinyes apadrinadesWhat happened then?

X. Well, every month, we’ve been receiving a newsletter featuring pictures of our plants with some details from the winery’s life… The relative who arranged for this gift suggested that we should visit the vineyard and the winery ourselves and pick up the wine. The pictures of the Priorat scenery we received through newsletters and we saw online were so luring. And here we are.

camins del Priorat. pau i tranquil·litatWhat are your impressions of Priorat?

Y.T. Peace and quiet. A complete shift from a large city like where we live. There’s no noise or rush. The landscape is very beautiful. We were surprised to learn that nearly everything was done by hand in your winery. And the winery itself is very small and snug.

Turisme del vi al Celler Devinssi, vins artesans del PrioratSo, today you tasted the wines. Any impressions?

X. Very powerful and colourful ones. “Il·lia” 2007 is a very fine wine, with a long palate. “Cupatge” 2009 impresses by its fruitiness. What we liked a lot was “Mas de les Valls” 2008, with its nice black fruit and mineral flavours.Y.T. And we’re taking home the long-awaited case of wines.

We hope to see the happy couple of vine adopters in Priorat again!
P.S. Adopting a few vines lies within the emerging phenomenon of sponsorship in farming and cattle breeding. It’s becoming increasingly varied, with the adopter community growing year after year. It’s perceived as a smart, slick andoriginal gift idea.

Such formulas allow end consumers get and keep in touch with the local farmer. People take upguardianship of cows to have milk, cheese or other dairy goods; fruit trees to have fresh transportable produce e.g. oranges; olive trees to relish with a gush of “their own”extra virgin olive oilbarrels of Rioja wine to have a regular supply for their lunch… And what not!

olives arbequinesOftentimes, adoption formulas feature an invitation to visit the region of origin, to delve into ruralgastronomic and wine-growing setting. You might like to walk through the pasture to meet your cow, to participate in the harvest to pick your olives, fruit, grapes, nuts, etc., or just to take a wine tour.

At the Devinssi Winerygrapevine adoption formulas include some bottles of our DOQ Priorat wine. Whether you

verema a la DOQ Priorat

want to have them delivered immediately or you think you could come over to pick them up, all power to you. In formulas A and B, a wine tour to Priorat for two is included. And thewine tour consists of visiting the adopted vineyard, getting to know our artisanal winery and tasting our handcraft wines.

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